Friday, January 11, 2013

Out of Our Comfort Zone

Since it is a new year I always think of things I would like to change or do better. This year is different because I have really been asking God to take me and our family out of our comfort zone. I don't want to be a "casual christian"" I want to be his hands and feet, and this year I want Jesus to take me just a little further than he did last year. Which might be hard to beat cause he did call us to adopt a child from a foreign country! Even as I pray daily that God will please use me and please take me out of my comfort zone, I am very terrified for that time when he is going to do it. Will I have the passion to follow through with what I am asking God to do, or will I chicken out. I am excited for God to use me but I am scared to be uncomfortable. It feels nice to be comfortable and secure, but I also know that is right where Satan wants all Christian's to be, nice and warm in our homes where we cant really do much for Christ. I look for opportunities in my daily life where I can step out just a little further than I did last year, little ways I can show my kids what it means to be a "his hands and feet" I want this year to be filled with less of us and more of Jesus, and I am willing to do whatever it takes!
 As I am sitting here I am thinking about all the things I need to do to get ready for out benefit dinner, I need to get things for our silent auction. That means I have to call friends and strangers and ask them to give me stuff, which means I am having to go way out of my comfort zone so we can go through with our adoption. I really  hate this part of the process but I realize it must be done, and I will grow because of it.

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